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Your stories

This month's winning story

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Connection. Home. Family.

Christine London

I had been looking for a pendant for myself for a while but wanted something a little different with an Irish connection. Something with a sentimental value and something I wouldn’t see other people wearing. I just couldn’t find what I was looking for. Then a few years ago Mum’s brother, my uncle died and we went over to bury him in Glasnevin cemetery in Dublin. It was there I first saw enibas jewellery and I thought, ‘That's it.’

Sadly my Mum was unable to come with us because she had been very unwell for a few years with Alzheimers and she was at home in England. Mum was from Dublin and came to England in the 1950s and met and married my dad and stayed here to raise their family.

I liked your pieces so much, when I returned home I looked online for enibas, and kept my eye on your products. When my daughter was 40, I thought an enibas piece would be a fitting present for her, as it would also be an Irish connection to Mum. I bought her the Croí álainn necklace and a Do shaol, do thuras bracelet.

Then when Mum passed away I treated myself to a Do shaol, do thuras necklace from my inheritance. It has a very strong sentimental meaning for me and I always think of Mum when I wear it. I have seen many pieces I like and intend to treat myself to some more in future.

Tell us your enibas story

We want to hear about the place it holds in your life, and the milestones and moments that give it meaning. We'll draw a winner in the first week of each month!

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    Win a €100 voucher

    enibas runs on stories: they inspire us, lift us up, and help us remember what really matters. Share yours and enter our monthly draw for a €100 enibas gift voucher.

    Stories that stay with us

    Bringing stories to life

    What does an enibas piece mean to you? Real people, deep emotions, and beautiful stories captured on film.

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    Do shaol, do thuras
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    Croí álainn

    Love stories: enibas engagements and weddings

    Soul stories: The Anam collection

    Memories and milestones: gifts for every occasion

    Muinteartha: an Irish word for belonging or kinship

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